Setting up ROS 2 Humble Hawksbill on Ubuntu
Ubuntu 22.04
Setup Sources
Enable the Ubuntu Universe repository.
Add the ROS 2 GPG key with apt.
Add the repository to your sources list.
Install ROS 2 packages
WARNING: ROS2 tools like colcon does not quite work with
environments, so it's recommended to install ROS-related things directly under system environment. In this case, make sure when running the commands, the conda environment is disabled:
will install things to system directory, butpip
will install it to current active Python directory.
Update apt repository caches after setting up the repositories, and ensure the system is up to date before installing new packages.
Install Desktop Install, including ROS, RViz, demos, and tutorials.
Install Colcon
Colcon is a tool used to build ROS 2 software packages.
Adding Environment Variables
Colcon also has a tool, colcon_cd
, to help navigating to package directories.
Additional Tools
other possible required dependencies
With Ubuntu 22.04 + ROS 2 Humble combination, we also need the following dependencies for building turtlesim:
Install Gazebo support
Last updated