In STM32, the system time is tracked by the system tick uwTick, and this variable is updated by a software interrupt routine, which will be called by timer at 1kHz.
By default, the interrupt routine has the lowest priority 15.
So here comes the question: will the HAL_Delay, and various blocking functions that uses timeout function correctly in interrupt routines that has higher priority than the systick handler?
We use TIM1 update interrupt, and the period is set to be 1 second (1 Hz).
The code above will get stuck at the HAL_Delay() function. What makes things worse is that the next timer interrupt cannot interrupt into this, so the entire program is halted.
Now we replace the delay with some computation that does not need uwTick
We now test peripheral call in blocking mode within the interrupt routine. We will use the frustrating I2C protocol, as it's guaranteed to fail with no device connected to the bus.
Turns out that we indeed get stuck in this blocking function, as the I2C_WaitOnTXISFlagUntilTimeout implements a timeout mechanism that expects the uwTick to be updated.