Setting up Common Software on Jetson AGX Orin
Last updated
Last updated
In general, we need to install the aarch64
distro of the software, since this device is using the ARM64 ISA.
CUDA should be included with the Jetpack 6.1 SDK.
To test installation, do
When downloading from the official website, select ".deb - Arm64" button.
After download, use the following command to install.
Download "" from the official release page.
PyTorch with CUDA support is not available from the normal pip installation method.
Older version of PyTorch can be found here.
First, we need to install dependencies for sparse matrix operation support
Follow instructions here.
also numpy is recommended
Download the PyTorch wheel for JetPack 6.1.
After download, do
NVIDIA also provided a couple of preconfigured containers that can be installed with the jetson-container command. Following this instruction.
Edit /etc/docker/daemon.json
If docker fails to start with error message "Failed to start Docker Application Container Engine", use this command to print the error message
Then, do
For some reason, the auto versioning command is not working:
Test if installation succeed
This is a helpful system resource monitor tool, similar to htop and nvidia-smi.
After install, a system restart is required.