0. Pin Map

On the STM32F446RET6 Nucleo board, the SPI1 is connected as below





1. Configure STM32

First, set the configuration from the Template Project.

Assuming system clock is configured to be 160 MHz.

In the left sidebar, select Connectivity -> CAN1.

Enable Activated checkbox.

Set Bit Timings Parameters -> Prescaler to 32. Time Quantum should be 1000 ns.

Set Bit Timings Parameters -> Time Quanta in Bit Segment 1 to 3.

Set Bit Timings Parameters -> Time Quanta in Bit Segment 2 to 1.

This way, we get a 250 kbps CAN bus with a sampling point at 75% position.

We can also change the prescaler value to 16 to get a 500 kbps bus, or 8 to get a 1 Mbps bus.

The optimal sampling point is 87.5%, and we are pretty close to it.

This is a useful website for CAN bit-timing.

To debug the CAN bus, set Advanced Parameters -> Operating Mode to "Loopback".

Errata: When using loopback mode, the RX pin should still be pulled-up externally. We can do this simply by configuring the PA11 GPIO to enable the internal pull-up resistor, but please remember to do this. Otherwise, the HAL_CAN_Start() method will timeout. Detailed information can be found here.

2. Code

First, add the code from the Template Project.

In main.c, add the following code


  uint8_t counter = 0;

  uint32_t filter_id = 0;
  uint32_t filter_mask = 0x0;

  CAN_FilterTypeDef filter_config;
  filter_config.FilterBank = 0;
  filter_config.FilterMode = CAN_FILTERMODE_IDMASK;
  filter_config.FilterFIFOAssignment = CAN_FILTER_FIFO0;
  filter_config.FilterIdHigh = filter_id << 5;
  filter_config.FilterIdLow = 0;
  filter_config.FilterMaskIdHigh = filter_mask << 5;
  filter_config.FilterMaskIdLow = 0;
  filter_config.FilterScale = CAN_FILTERSCALE_32BIT;
  filter_config.FilterActivation = CAN_FILTER_ENABLE;
  filter_config.SlaveStartFilterBank = 14;

  HAL_CAN_ConfigFilter(&hcan1, &filter_config);

  if (HAL_CAN_Start(&hcan1) != HAL_OK) {
    while (1)
    HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart2, (uint8_t *) "CAN init Error\r\n", strlen("CAN init Error\r\n"), 100);

  /* USER CODE END 2 */
    /* USER CODE BEGIN 3 */
    // CAN TX
    uint32_t tx_mailbox;

    CAN_TxHeaderTypeDef tx_header;
    tx_header.DLC = 4;
    tx_header.IDE = CAN_ID_STD;
    tx_header.RTR = CAN_RTR_DATA;
    tx_header.StdId = 0x00A;
    tx_header.TransmitGlobalTime = DISABLE;

    uint8_t tx_data[8];
    tx_data[0] = counter;
    tx_data[1] = 0x07;
    tx_data[2] = 0x08;
    tx_data[3] = 0x09;

    if (HAL_CAN_AddTxMessage(&hcan1, &tx_header, tx_data, &tx_mailbox) != HAL_OK) {
      HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart2, (uint8_t *) "CAN TX Error\r\n", strlen("CAN TX Error\r\n"), 100);


    // CAN RX
    uint32_t rx_fifo_level = HAL_CAN_GetRxFifoFillLevel(&hcan1, CAN_RX_FIFO0) || HAL_CAN_GetRxFifoFillLevel(&hcan1, CAN_RX_FIFO1);

    char rx_level_str[50];
    sprintf(rx_level_str, "level: %d\r\n", rx_fifo_level);
    HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart2, (uint8_t *)rx_level_str, strlen(rx_level_str), 100);

    if (rx_fifo_level > 0) {
      HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart2, (uint8_t *)"CAN msg pending\r\n", strlen("CAN msg pending\r\n"), 100);

      CAN_RxHeaderTypeDef rx_header;
      uint8_t rx_data[8];

      HAL_CAN_GetRxMessage(&hcan1, CAN_RX_FIFO0, &rx_header, rx_data);

      char rx_data_str[32];
      sprintf(rx_data_str, "receive data: %d\r\n", rx_data[0]);
      HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart2, (uint8_t *)rx_data_str, strlen(rx_data_str), 100);

    counter += 1;

  /* USER CODE END 3 */

After saving, upload the code.

Detailed information on how CAN filter works can be found here.

3. Result

4. Using both CAN1 and CAN2

5. Interrupt

HAL_CAN_ConfigFilter(&hcan1, &filter_config);
HAL_CAN_ActivateNotification(&hcan1, CAN_IT_RX_FIFO0_MSG_PENDING);

Last updated

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